Victoria O quam gloriosum and Missa O quam gloriosum
Byrd Gradualia Propers for All Saints
Lassus Justorum animae
* Victoria's motet O quam gloriosum has been called “the greatest hit of the 16th
century.” It marvelously depicts in music the text of the Magnificat Antiphon at
Vespers on the Feast of All Saints, “ O how glorious is the kingdom where the
saints rejoice with Christ.”
* Victoria’s joyous Missa O quam gloriosum, based on the motet, has become
perhaps the best known and loved of the composer's Masses in modern times.
Tovey called it one of the most perfect Masses ever written. Its masterful
polyphony has a marvelous controlled fervor typical of Victoria.
* Byrd's Propers for All Saints are part of his monumental Gradualia, which includes
music for the Propers of the Mass for all major feasts in the liturgical year, a feat
achieved by few composers. Composed at Byrd's personal risk (in Elizabethan
England) for clandestine celebration of the feast by Jesuit missionaries and English
Catholics, Byrd's celebratory music depicts the individual words of the Propers in
a way strikingly parallel to St. Ignatius of Loyola's technique of meditating word by
word on sacred texts.
* Chantry also sings this music for a special Latin Mass for the Feast of All Saints at
7:30 p.m. on Monday, November 1, at St. Mary Mother of God, 727 Fifth St. NW in
Washington, DC.